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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

CCM-Wazazi vows to win in Zanzibar's re-run poll

WAZAZI chairman, Abdallah Bulembo
DESPITE the political impasse in Zanzibar, Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM)  Parents wing (WAZAZI) has promised to camp in the Isles to ensure their party emerges victorious in the second round of the presidential poll.
The decision was reached during the party’s Parent wing Central Committee that met here on Sunday to deliberate on different issues including the political situation in Zanzibar, reflection on the last year general election as well as filling positions of members that de-camped the party for the opposition.
Speaking to journalists after the one day meeting, WAZAZI chairman, Abdallah Bulembo said the meeting agreed that they move to Zanzibar to ensure outright win against the opposition CUF.
“ We are going to Zanzibar with just one aim, to ensure our party get a landslide win in the repeat of the election once the date has been announced” he said.More than two months after Tanzania’s general election , Zanzibar's opposition political parties are still arguing over who won.While CUF is still insisting it won the poll and had threatened to boycott any fresh elections, CCM is calling for a re-run. Negotiations between CCM's Dr Ali Shein and CUF's Seif Sharif Hamad have been going on for weeks without producing any results. 
Voters are being kept in the dark about what is going on behind the scenes. After weeks of silence, Shein publicly declared that he was still Zanzibar's President, while Seif Sharif Hamad says that Shein's mandate expired on November 2.
On those who moved those who left the party for the opposition camp, Bulembo said the meeting agreed that their positions to be filled and names were thereafter proposed to fill the vacant positions in the party’s Parent’s wing.
He said representatives from Kagera Region left the party for Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo( Chadema )while one from Coast Region joined the Civic United Front (CUF) as the Iringa regional representative  joined ACT-Wazalendo.
Bulembo also stated that he had appointed Shehe Hamis Hamdani from Pemba to be a member of the central committee and also had appointed the Dodoma Municipal Mayor, Jaffari Mwenyemba to join the national operation’s committee of the Parent’s wing.
He also noted that in commemoration to mark CCM’s 39 birthday, the Parent’s wing shall hold a week-long event in Morogoro while the climax of the festivities  will be held in Singida.
Meanwhile, Bulembo added that the meeting also directed five head teachers of schools belonging the parents’ wing be taken to court for misappropriation of money.
He said the management of a school at Tegeta in Dar es Salaam will appear in court for causing a loss of   690 million/- while the management of another school in Tegeta caused 470 million/- loss as that of Mwembe Togwa in Iringa had as well caused a loss of 920 million/-.
“The management of other schools are still under investigations and soon will be taken to court,” he said, adding that most of the schools owned by the party were in financial constrained.

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