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Friday, June 21, 2013

Zanzibar Legislators Call for National Unity Govt Self-Censorship


A LEGISLATOR of the Zanzibar House of Representatives, Mr Omar Ali Shehe (CUF), has said Zanzibaris were unhappy with the performance of the Government of National Unity (GNU), formed jointly between Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and CUF two-and-half years ago.
The legislator debating the Zanzibar national budget estimates here told the House that it was high time the Zanzibar President, Dr Ali Mohamed Shein evaluated the government's performance. "It is high time President Shein and his government to evaluate their performance since GNU was formed.
It is not impressive," said Mr Omar (CUF - Chakechake) when debating the 2013/2014 Zanzibar budget estimates. The legislator told the House of Representatives that this year's Zanzibar budget estimates were not reflecting to address the major problems facing Zanzibaris.
He said the budget is supposed to reflect people's needs, but the 2013/2014 budget reflects very little in addressing major problems of the people.
"People have lost interest in listening and following up the Zanzibar budget just because the estimates do not give a clear path for developing the economy and its impact to the people in improving their socio-economic status," Mr Omar said.
Omar, who is the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairperson of the Zanzibar House, underscored the need for the Zanzibar unity government to enhance the fight against corruption and make more efforts in job creation in order to minimise unemployment in the Isles.
Mr Mussa Ali Hassan (CCM- Koani) said the budget does not help ordinary people, saying the minister for finance missed the point and warned that Zanzibaris should not expect fast development. "Poor people's needs must be addressed; the lowly paid civil servants who play a big role in developing the nation should also be considered.
Leaders and senior civil servants in the government have a minor role compared to the ordinary workers," Mussa said, adding that Zanzibar should not expect wonders when workers including teachers are paid monthly salary of 130,000/- only.
Source: allAfrica

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