ZEC chairperson, Mr Jecha Salim Jecha
THE Zanzibar Electoral Commission (ZEC) will announce new constituencies and boundaries within the next two weeks, ZEC chairperson, Mr Jecha Salim Jecha, said at a meeting with stakeholders.“Be patient, we are finalising the review of names and boundaries of the constituencies. The passing of the law on local government reforms interrupted the process,” Mr Jecha said.
Previously the announcement for new boundaries and constituencies was planned in March following a survey of the boundaries and collection of opinions from the public including political parties.
According to the Zanzibar constitution, ZEC can review boundaries of constituencies after ten years, basing on population growth and other acceptable reasons.
Zanzibar currently has 50 electoral constituencies including 18 in Pemba Island, but it can have the maximum of 55 and not less than 40 constituencies.Both Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) and Civic United Front (CUF) are pressing for ZEC to announce the new structure of the constituencies as soon as possible to allow the parties prepare for the general elections including nomination process for the candidates.“We have started nomination process, but we may be forced to start the process all over again if ZEC announces new constituencies and boundaries.
We are running out of time and who will compensate us?” Mr Ismail Jussa Ladhu from CUF said. Mr Vuai Ali Vuai from CCM raised similar concerns as he advised ZEC to consider the issue of population growth in the demarcation process.
He said, for example, Unguja West District has the highest population of over 370,000 people has only nine constituencies. While, Vuai argued that Pemba with about 400,000 people has 18 constituencies.
Meanwhile, ZEC yesterday made an official announcement to stakeholders about updating of the voters’ register starting next Thursday (April 16), in Pemba, before the October general elections.
The director of ZEC, Mr Salum Khamis Ali, appealed to stakeholders to encourage people including those who have attained the age of 18 and people living with disabilities to register by June 28, this year.
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