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Monday, December 14, 2015

Fifth Phase Government wins global recognition

TANZANIANS are just too happy with the fifth phase government moves and actions so far taken by President John Pombe Magufuli, Vice- President Samia Suluhu Hassan and Prime Minister Majaliwa Kassim Majaliwa.

Within this short time, the fifth phase government has won the people’s confidence as most of them including those of the opposition camp seem to be highly motivated by the measures taken and concerted efforts made in unearthing and combating economic sabotage.

“I am giving you a six-day deadline to settle your bills. Please go and foot the outstanding bills within the set timeframe or else risk deterrent measures to be levelled against you. I love you all, that is why I have given you the six-day timeframe,” underlined the president in his speech to businessmen.

The president’s speech never went without crowd cheers as it was very inspiring and heartening. People stayed put viewing their TV screens and listening attentively to the speech that hit the earth running. The speech on the other hand left the businessmen in disbelief to what was being announced by the president because it was purely a new turn.

Efforts made by the government so far, have salvaged 9bn/- being averted taxes by unscrupulous businessmen. This huge chunk of money had been recovered by the government after the president directed tax averters to settle their unpaid taxes within six days for imports made through the Dar es Salaam port.

To the surprise of many, within two days, the unfaithful businessmen took to their heels, started flocking into the Tanzania Revenue Authority’s offices to foot their outstanding bills and many more are struggling to beat the six-day deadline and no surprise, the amount will keep on surging up.

Some of Dar es Salaam City dwellers openly commended the president and his team on 9th December, this year for the job well done so far and heartedly asked them to keep up the motto until the last cent is banked into government coffer.

“We are very much impressed by the moves you are making and action initiated in pinning down the economic saboteurs and all culprits. You are not alone in waging this war, we strongly back up the initiatives,” one of the Kariakoo small entrepreneurs told the Prime Minister, Majaliwa Kassim Majaliwa, after participating in environment cleaning exercise in marking the Uhuru Day Celebrations.

Another resident said the exercise of environment cleaning on the Uhuru Day was something positive and asked if it could be sustained for years to come. President Magufuli relocated and directed the funds ( 4bn/-) located for Uhuru Day Celebrations to be directed and spent on the Mwenge-Morocco Road stretch expansion project ( 4 kms). Not only that but also ululation and applause punctuated Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa after he physically participated in environment cleaning exercise at the Kariakoo Market.

The Prime Minister a little bit talked with the small entrepreneurs, who well packed premises saying the “Hapa Kazi Tu” philosophy has started and will be sustained for ever. “The war on economic saboteurs and corruption is non-stoppable until all evils are taken to task,” said the premier amid applause and cheers from the cheerful crowd.

He also directed the Kariakoo Market Corporation management to send him a Development Plan report for improving the market environment. He said the market premises environment was not conducive and unhygienic at all. The cheerful crowd were vividly heard appealing to the premier to leave no stone unturned in this crucial economic war.

“They have exploited our rightful financial resources for quite long and made majority in this country experience hard times over years. Enough is enough. The government should never spare them, make sure they face the government’s wrath,” added another person haphazardly.

The president and his team has already suspended and fired a number of government officers from their workplaces and put in custody waiting investigation and face court charges once found with charges to answer. Participating in environment cleaning exercise at the Ferry Fish Market with fishermen and fishmongers on Uhuru Day, the people deafeningly cheered the president as he arrived with the first lady, Mama Janeth Magufuli.

According to the people’s mood, it was a clear testimony that the president has won hearts of Tanzanians as the public has hopes on him. “We have all hopes on you, Your Excellency, Mr President.

We are required to do things that we believe have no necessity in our fishing activities,” one of their leaders told the president. While at the fishing market, the fishermen briefed the president on their problems and appealed to him for help. As usual the president listened carefully and pledged to sort them out and promised to give them feedback.

“You are my neighbours and therefore we must assist each other. I will look into your problems and give feedback,” he promised in his speech that left each and everybody cheering at him as he participated in the environment cleaning exercise. He implored the fishermen to shun away from using dragging fishnets and explosives in their fishing operations, something they agreed unanimously.

All what you have addressed to me are valid issues and will be dealt with accordingly. The president took a mobile telephone number of one of the fishermen leaders and urged them to form an association that could be used in handling their problems and other developmental issues in future. The Vice-President, Samia Suluhu, directed the City authority to submit a report on various firms contracted to clean the city premises.

She said it was discouraging to learn that despite the government allocating funds each year for contracting firms to clean the city premises, the city is still filthy but funds allocated for the purpose is utilized. “We cannot leave it out unchecked. We direct the City authority to submit a financial report that will indicate how the funds have been spent. We want this report with all necessary details,” she directed.

/Daily News.

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