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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

EAC observers commend Tanzania for orderly polls

EAST African Community Observation team has commended Tanzania for orderliness during the last general election.

The remark was made by former Kenyan Vice-President, Mr Moody Awori, when presenting full report of Tanzania's General Election of October 2015 to the Secretary General of the East African Community, Dr Richard Sezibera.

The Former Kenyan Vice- President, who led the special EAC observatory committee, explained that the document was the final observation report from the recently concluded presidential and parliamentary elections of last year.

The ceremony took place at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha. "I was very happy to observe the steadfastness, determination, patience and orderliness with which Tanzania conducted her General Election," said Mr Moody Awori.

"These and many other positives that have also been highlighted in the report, can be used as benchmarks for which other countries can borrow good practices from Tanzania," he added.

The report consists of recommendations to streamline and improve the electoral process for future elections in Tanzania, with the next scheduled for October 2020.

While receiving the Report, Dr Sezibera thanked the Former Vice-President for his leadership and commitment to the EAC Elections Observers Mission. "The collaboration between the EAC and other stakeholders led to sustainable peace in the country," he noted.

In October 2015, a team comprising 55 members was deployed from Arusha to Dar es Salaam to observe the country's General Election in both Tanzania and Zanzibar.

The EAC Mission was drawn from different complementary disciplines that included members of the East African Legislative Assembly, as well as members of the National Assemblies of Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi.

Others were drawn from National Electoral Commissions, National Human Rights Commissions, Civil society organizations, and youth representatives from the EAC Youth Ambassadors Forum.

Current President Dr John Magufuli who ran for the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi during the polls, won the presidential race while CCM retained majority of seats in Parliament as well at Ward councillors levels.

/Daily News.

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