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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Thought of sharing this poem written by our brother Yusuf Kassam who migrated to Canada years back!

Paradise Lost

I left the island of Zanzibar, its spices, history & glory

To emigrate to Canada, land of opportunity

Forsook the tropical sun for cold frigid weather

Left behind the warm ocean breeze for the icy roads and 

chilly wind

Abandoned pristine white beaches for brown pebbly shores

Turned away from a turquoise ocean for polluted lakes

Gave up mangoes, papaya, shokishoki, guava and duriani

For apples, pears, grapes, peaches and cherries

Gave up white snapper and king fish for cod and sole

Gave up drinking coconut water straight from the coconut

And settled for bottled water instead

Left behind the street coffee seller for the office coffee 


Left behind the exotic fragrance of spices

For the pungent smell of sulphuric emissions

Deprived of hearing the call to prayer

For the sound of police and fire sirens

Deprived of seeing women clad in mysterious black buibui

Can't help but blink when I see women dressed in jeans and miniskirts

Deserted a slow relaxed pace of life for the fast lane

Gave up afternoon naps and walk along the shore for gym 


Gave up riding a bicycle along narrow winding streets of 

stone town

For driving a car on the highways past ugly billboards

Discontinued a study of life of marine corals

For a course in stress management

With only a memory of mud and thatched dwellings

I am faced with the reality of concrete and steel

Left behind a lively community for a cage in a human zoo

It makes me wonder... if I left my soul behind in beloved 


Poem by Professor Yusuf Kassam
(who lived in Dar es salaam and migrated to Ontario, Canada.
Yusuf Kassam is Senior Associate specializing in basic education, governance, civil society and program evaluation. He was born in Zanzibar, Tanzania, and is a former director of the Institute for Adult Education in Tanzania. Fluent in Swahili, Mr. Kassam served for more than two decades as an evaluation consultant for Jackson and Associates to AusAID, BRAC, Global Affairs Canada and other governmental and non-profit agencies in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe, working frequently in Bangladesh and Tanzania, in particular. Mr. Kassam is also an author and a poet.)

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