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Saturday, April 4, 2020

CANADA / ONTARIO: Province Says Pandemic Could Last Between 18 Months and Two Years!

Dr. Peter Donnelly, President and CEO of Public Health Ontario, says future measures could include the closure of more businesses and that it's up to the public to halt the spread of Covid-19.
Ontario’s top doctors say the Covid-19 pandemic could last between 18 months and two years.

The good news is had no steps been taken by the Province to battle the virus, Ontario could have suffered 100,000 deaths by the time it's all over.

But because actions like the closure of parks, social distancing orders and non-essential business closures have occurred, this number has been reduced and could go down even further with future measures.
If all that can be done is done by the Province, it’s predicted that the death toll could be reduced in Ontario to between 3,000 and 15,000 deaths.

Dr. Peter Donnelly, President and CEO of Public Health Ontario, says future measures could include the closure of more businesses and that it's up to the public to halt the spread of Covid-19. (Above audio)

It's currently predicted there will be 80,000 cases and 1600 Covid-19 deaths in Ontario in April, but those numbers could be drastically reduced, for example, to 250 deaths if the Province enacts future measures to curb the virus's spread.

Donnelly says physical distancing guidelines will be enhanced while support for the homeless and elderly will be strengthened.

He adds that the concept of putting a ‘ring of steel’ around long-term care homes will hopefully prove life-saving as the virus is especially deadly for the elderly.

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