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Friday, April 10, 2020

COVID-19: you must, must, must read this!!!.......COVID-19’s gut connection!

Dr. T.S. Chandrasekar (left) and Dr. K. Raja Yogesh. 

In the wake of the present the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a much-needed increase in awareness among the general public of the importance of handwashing, social distancing and observing cough and sneeze etiquette. Observing a healthy ‘toilet hygiene’ must also be stressed, in view of the fact that COVID-19 affects the gastrointestinal tract too.

Most of us are aware that the COVID-19 presents with symptoms such as fever, cough and difficulty in breathing.

What is to be noted is that recent scientific data suggests that nearly 50% of the COVID-19 patients present with predominant digestive symptoms as their primary complaint.

The digestive symptoms include lack of appetite (83.8%), loose stools (29.3%), vomiting (0.8%) and abdominal pain (0.4%).

Although these patients usually do have coexisting respiratory complaints as well, a few of them (3%) can present with only digestive symptoms without any respiratory symptoms.

It appears that patients who report gastrointestinal symptoms usually have a more severe course of the disease and consequently a poorer outcome, compared to patients with COVID-19 infection without gastrointestinal symptoms.

As the disease progresses in severity, digestive symptoms also increases.

Shed in stools

Scientific studies have proven that apart from nasal and respiratory secretions, the COVID-19 virus is actively shed in the stools of infected patients. This shedding may continue to occur for as long as five weeks after the patient recovers from the respiratory symptoms.

In this regard, besides the already known measures such as avoidance of close contact, social distancing, observing cough/sneeze hygiene etiquette and wearing personal protective gear, the importance of a proper handwashing protocol, especially after bowel movements, must be stressed. Since there is a likelihood of bioaerosols being released in the air during flushing of the toilet (toilet plume), it is advisable to ensure that the commode lid is closed before flushing.

Avoiding the lavatory immediately after it has been used by another may also reduce exposure to the virus.

Since infected individuals may be asymptomatic and testing everyone would not be feasible, assuming everyone to be potentially infective and observing the mentioned personal hygiene measures universally may be the best way to break the chain of infection.
Fact File

  • 50% of COVID-19 patients present with digestive symptoms
  • Infected patients actively shed the virus in the stools
  • Proper hand-washing protocol must be stressed after every bowel movement
  • Ensure closure of commode lid before flushing to avoid bio-aerosols
  • Avoid lavatory use immediately after usage by another.

1 comment :

  1. The Chaiwala Tea Seller PM of India has found the solution to COVID.The man was born to doom Hindoosthan and the Hindoos and world.dindooohindoo

    His solution is to switch off the lights for 9 minutes at 9 pm and light candles,torches and cell phone lights – the sign of impending and inevitable doom.


    His aim is to plunge the Indians into the darkness of the shit hole – in which they are already resident.The Darkness of death in a morgue
    or a grave – as a premonition of a cold and miserable death

    The Indian PM’s mother was and is a dishwasher.

    I week earlier he asked Indians to beat utensils in public on the roads – as an ode to his mother.


    Another Indian Genius is using Cow Piss on a large scale,to cure COVID


    When Babar was at the doors of Hindoosthan – Hindoos were praying to idols of Shiva and sacrifcing goats,bulls and temple prostitutes.Rest is History

    I really worry about the US and EU health systems (with the Indians working in it)

    1300 years ago, a man called Beruni made a prophetcic statement on the worth of the Indian race

    The words of Beruni are prophetic,in this regard.

    – The Hindus believe that there is no country but theirs, no nation like theirs, no kings like theirs, no religion like theirs, no science like theirs.
    – They are haughty, foolishly vain, self-conceited, and stolid.
    – They are by nature niggardly in communicating that which they know, and they take the greatest possible care to withhold it from men of another caste among their own people,still much more, of course, from any foreigner

    Chaiwala (The Indian PM) though he was special,along with his countrymen -aka, from the Lost Tribe of Israel.Those fantas-ical land – statistical contortions by the Indians, that the numbers were doubling at the lowest rate in Hindoo-land – lapped up by the lackeys in the Hindoo Media – made them feel mighty special – just like the sons of Rama. This is what happens Hindoos study Statistics and Maths.dindooohindoo

    The Chaiwala had a simple formula.He did not do any testing at all.He waited for people to come to test,and then die.At least 30000 people die in India every day and Indians,like tardigrades, are infested with so many diseases – that no one takes a cold/cough seriously – until it is time to die – a euphemism for visiting the Indian doctor. The Chaiwala’s dream punch line would have been – that his dubious curfew ,which was unplanned, and w/o any application of mind – worked.
