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Thursday, October 8, 2020



A group of Zanzibaris living in the diaspora of Canada have come up with a revolutionary idea of educating swahili-speaking masses of an important subject - that of supporting our aged or those who are coming to the end of their lives and those befallen upon with physical or mental disability at our homes. 

If you desire to be of service to humanity, then go through this new channel (ZAWADI YA MAISHA) and learn from the experiences of these mind-boggling Zanzibaris. 

Their first introductory video here below speaks a thousand words!

Through a series of videos the group will enlighten us with interpersonal skills that will enable us to deal in different situations under different circumstances at home. 

Safety, personal hygiene, communication, administering of medication, preparation of food and how to help someone who is dying at home - these are just few of the topics that we will learn through the videos of this group. 

Being knowledgeable in these fields will make you feel more comfortable whenever a challenging and an unseen situation arises at your home.

While in North America and in European countries there are nursing homes where the aged and the challenged are sent, in most African countries such homes do not exist and therefore the caring of the aged and the challenged is done at home by members of the families. Thus, any knowledge on how to face or deal with any health situation is a desired knowledge. 

We are therefore recommending to you to follow these series of videos that this group will issue fortnightly. 

Let's all learn something and be able to offer a helping hand to all those needing assistance in different life situations, thereby effectively playing our part to saving or helping humanity!

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