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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tanzania moves to regulate real-estate sector

The Lands , Housing and Human Settlements Development Minister, William Lukuvi
The Lands , Housing and Human Settlements Development Minister, William Lukuvi has ordered the ministry’s top leadership to prepare a real estate regulatory authority draft and submit it by Monday, next week. 
It was his first directive to his staff in Dar es Salaam yesterday. Lukuvi who served in the same docket in the fourth phase government, said creation of the regulatory body was vital for controlling the frantically booming construction sector. 
Lukuvi said there has been an increase of large buildings and skyscrapers in towns and cities across the country, and according to him, the developers decide  on their own volition when, what, where to construct and even how much rent to charge. 
“The regulator authority will take charge of such functions once put in place,” Lukuvi said.
The minister also directed the leadership to come up with a plan to enable low income earners and vulnerable people to access decent housing.
“We should not depend on the National Housing Corporation (NHC) alone, we need to find another way to resolve this matter and I want to see that in the plan,” he ordered.He also ordered the Director of Housing to submit a comprehensive ‘all inclusive’ plan that details how everyone (both wealthy and low income earners) will secure ‘proper housing facilities’ failure to which, the director would be relieved of his duties.  
“I will appoint someone else to take your position if the plan won’t include housing for the less fortunate,” warned the minister.
He further directed the ministry’s top leadership to submit to him the ministry’s financial report as of July 1, this year detailing amounts collected and use.
In another development, the minister went on to warn all land owners who fail to develop their lands to get prepared; “the government is going to offer undeveloped land to the public,” he warned.
“We are going to deal perpendicular with people who own huge farms and big chunks of land and have not developed them for a long time while denying poor people a chance to use the land,” he said.  
To start with, the minister said next week, he is going to hand over 1600ha of land in Mbarali District, Mbeya Region back to the people.
He went onto order all persons who have invested in areas which do not legally belong to them to return them to the government; “there will be no mercy whenever they are found guilty,” he warned.
 “There is also a problem of evading buildings and land taxes, I will end this challenge because it denies the nation due revenue,” he said.
“The work has just started… so if there is anybody who wishes to continue taking other people’s rights in the land sector, stop it...such things will never be entertained under this leadership…vulnerable people will longer lose their land,” the minister asserted. 
He went on to assure the public, especially the destitute whose lands have being taken by the wealthy that their land will be given back to them.
Summing up, Minister Lukuvi reaffirmed commitment to introduce electronic title deeds and directed the ministry’s leadership to work on it. 
He took time to address the controversial planned development of Dar es Salaam’s popular Coco Beach ordering the Kinondoni District authority to ensure that whatever development it undertakes, the area, must remain a public place.
Deputy Minister Angelina Mabula seconded the minister saying; “we are going to bury bureaucracy in the land sector so every worker in the sector must be aware and work hard.”

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