The 77-story stainless steel-clad skyscraper, briefly the world’s tallest building after it was finished in 1930, is 90 per cent owned by the Abu Dhabi Investment Council, a sovereign wealth fund, with developer Tishman Speyer owning the remainder.“It’s exciting. I’m getting inquiries from all over the world,” said Darcy Stacom, chairman and head of New York City Capital Markets at brokerage CBRE Group Inc.
The 1.26 million square foot building underwent a $100 million renovation after Tishman acquired the property in 1997. Tishman later reduced its holding. The sovereign wealth fund paid $800 million when it bought its stake in 2008.
The building’s brand and its location on 42nd Street just east of Grand Central Terminal, a major Manhattan transportation hub, are ripe for greater retail exploitation, Stacom said. The building’s occupancy rate is in the low 80 per cent range, below the city average, according to CBRE. Stacom declined to reveal the asking price for the building.
Stacom declined to give the building’s asking price.
Buildings on average are 50 years old in Midtown and many store-fronts are empty, hard hit by e-commerce. With the new Hudson Yards district on the far West Side attracting major corporations, concerns have been raised about Midtown’s appeal. — Reuters
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