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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Man stoned to death as rampant youths protest over Rogo’s killing
PHOTO | LABAN WALLOGA GSU walking past a van set on fire in Majengo area in Mombasa after angry youths went in protest following the death of fiery Islamic preacher Sheikh Aboud Rogo in this picture taken on August 28, 2012. The preacher was gunned down by unknown gunmen along Mombasa-Malindi highway at Bamburi.  NATION MEDIA GROUP

By NATION TEAM newsdesk@ke.nationmedia.com
Posted  Monday, August 27  2012 at  23:30

  • Scores of irate youths in Sheikh Rogo’s funeral procession looted Jesus Celebration Centre and Neno Evangelism Centre
  • Prime Minister Raila Odinga appealed to Mombasa residents to exercise restraint as the killing is investigated
  • Sheikh Rogo was buried at Manyimbo Muslim Cemetery in Tudor

Protesting youths smashed motor vehicles, looted shops and attacked four churches in Mombasa after gunmen killed Al-Shabaab suspect Sheikh Aboud Rogo on Monday.

The fiery madrassa teacher, named by the United Nations and the US as Al-Shabaab’s chief agent in Kenya, was shot near Bamburi on the Mombasa-Malindi highway as he drove his wife to hospital.

His wife sustained gunshot wounds in the legs. Her father, Mr Abdhallah Ali, who was also in the 14-seater van, suffered slight injuries but the couple’s eight-year-old daughter was unhurt.

Scores of irate youths in Sheikh Rogo’s funeral procession looted Jesus Celebration Centre and Neno Evangelism Centre, vandalised Ziwani SDA and petrol-bombed Pentecostal Assemblies of God churches all in Buxton area.

Sheikh Rogo was buried at Manyimbo Muslim Cemetery in Tudor.

The protesting youths burnt tyres outside Msikiti Musa, Majengo Market and along the Buxton-Nyali road where they harassed motorists and pedestrians. During the mayhem one person was stoned to death.

Earlier at Msikiti Musa, where Sheikh Rogo regularly attended evening prayers, the youths burnt a government van that had slowed down at a road bump and raided a Salvation Army Church.

The fate of the driver and passengers could not be established. The mobs barricaded a section of  King’orani road between the Kenya Railway Station and Mewa Hospital junction.

The violence erupted shortly after Sheikh Rogo’s body was buried.


Terror suspect died under a cloud of controversy
PM calls for calm following death
Sheikh Rogo, who ran a madrassa in Kilifi, was facing terror-related charges in court. He has been linked to Somalia’s Al-Shabaab and Al-Qaeda groups by both Kenyan and US authorities.

Last month, the US accused him, together with Eritrean intelligence and military officials, of fund raising for Al-Shabaab. A UN report said he provided “financial, material, logistical or technical support to Al-Shabaab”.

He was the “main ideological leader” of the Muslim Youth Centre in Pumwani, Nairobi, the report added.

Sheikh Rogo “used the extremist group as a pathway for radicalisation and recruitment of principally Kiswahili-speaking Africans for carrying out violent militant activity in Somalia,” the UN said.

Kenya had also accused him of recruiting youths at the Coast to fight for the rebel group in Somalia where the Kenya Defence Forces have deployed as part of an African Union stabilisation force. (Read: Cleric ‘was plotting attacks’ in Mombasa)

In the wake of the 2002 terror attack on the Israeli-owned Paradise Hotel in Kikambala, Sheikh Rogo was charged but acquitted for lack of evidence.

He died instantly after a vehicle that was trailing him suddenly pulled next to him near the Pirates Public Beach and its occupants sprayed his van with bullets.

The preacher’s wife, Haniya Said Sagal, immediately pointed a finger at the police. A shaken Ms Sagal said police had been trailing her husband and were behind an attempt to abduct him in Nairobi two weeks ago where he was to attend court in an illegal weapons possession charge.

“Why do the police kill my husband in broad daylight?” she asked.

Source: Daily Nation

1 comment :

  1. what happen to the so called innocent till proven guilty beyond any reasonable doubtS? They have assasinated a man in broad daylight infront of his family including his three years old daughter based on US information which sadly that many times have been found incorrect. Let us just remind ourselves of the weapons of mass destruction alleged to have been under the arms of sadam hussein, the anthrax cards played in the UN etc. Will this be the begining of further assasinations based on school of antiterror doctorine from United States? Is there any chance that they might have killed an innocent man? Lets look deep in their own western countries whereby hate groups known to preach the poison of anti moslim rhetoric such as the EDL in the UK and the right wing parties in france of Lepen, do they go killin them in public? Why is it the assasination attempts never happens to their own nationals who are known terrorists?

    The picture i am gettin at the moment point finger to the american intelligence force which might as well be the force that executed the killing order of the so called terrorist. I beleive in the rule of law, if the man was involved in any terrorist activities he should have been sent to the court to face the charges, we should never rely on the statements from US, UK or EU to scape goat our citizens. Our judicial system should be the one with the power to prosecute offenders.

    How can you justify the killing of some one based on secret allegations without the opportunity of having judicial system to examine the reality? Assasination of alleged terrorists was started by the Israilis and the Americans, the judicial system didnt matter in this created enviroment, now Kenya has followed the steps and no one in the world has condemnd this unspeakable acts of evils. I just hope that the world will wake up and stand up against these neo-oppresive policies that give other unconditional license to kill. In this case what are the differences between the terrorists and the authories who go on the rampage of killing without proper judicial steps taken?
