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Thursday, June 20, 2013

JK to launch Tanga Special Economic Zone tomorrow


20th June 2013

Jakaya Kikwete
President Jakaya Kikwete will inaugurate the Tanga Special Economic Zone project that was initiated by the Tanga Economic Corridor Limited.
Tanga Economic Corridor Limited is an industrial park developer and a joint venture firm between Tanga City Council and Good PM Group Limited through Africa Future Forum, an NGO that facilitates infrastructure development on the continent.
Speaking in an interview in Dar es Salaam on Tuesday, the Export Processing Zone Authority (EPZA) Director General Dr Adelehelm Meru said that the President will inaugurate the project so as to increase investment opportunities expected to stimulate the economic development of Tanga City and the country in general.
Dr Meru also said that the project is a public private partnership initiative whereby Tanga City Council own 49 percent shares while Good PM Group has 51.The project site is Pongwe industrial area which is adjacent Pongwe railway station, a few kilometers from Tanga city.
“The total area of the project comprises 67.7 ha and 4.3 ha for both industrial and housing estate respectively. This area will be enough for huge investments like the Tanga Special Economic Zone project,” he said.
The project area has been declared as Special economic Zone (SEZ) by Export Processing Zone Authority of Tanzania (EPZA) and has been granted Certificate No 67 D, he said adding that as such it falls under SEZ programme. 
“So far the project land is fully occupied by foreign private firms which are social enterprises mainly from the Republic of South Korea. So we are happy to hear these good news that even before the inauguration of the project the land is fully occupied,” he said.
The whole project investment is USD277m, whereby USD40m will be used for development of basic infrastructures while USD237m will be a direct investment from all industries.
“After accomplishment of the project, Tanga Special Economic Zone expects to absorb or create employment opportunities of approximately 2000 young people,” he insisted.
He added: “This is a pilot project and we expect to establish a second largest industrial park in Tanzania which will create employment opportunities of approximately 200,000 young people.”
“The foreign private firms have confirmed that they are going to attend the Tanga Special Economic Zone project inauguration ceremony as a part of their mission to seek investment opportunities in the country,” he said.
For her part, Tanga Regional Commissioner Chiku Galawa said that the establishment of the Tanga Economic Corridor would provide a wide opportunity for the region to increase manufacturing of goods and consequently improve the livelihood of its people.
Speaking over the phone from Tanga on Tiueday, the RC also said that the project intends to create Tanga as an economic growth region, which will stimulate cross border trade and investment, especially in physical infrastructure, agriculture, minerals, industries and the tourism sectors.
She also said that the modernisation and expansion of Tanga Port has added an advantage of having such a project since the port now has enough equipment capable of handling port facilities.
“Our infrastructure is now in good shape, the port is well modernized while the railway route from Tanga to the connection of central railway route is working properly. It is only the rail route from Tanga to Moshi-Arusha which needs some modifications … but otherwise we welcome the new project.”

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